Project Overview
Argo Insurance has been building out digital claims tools for years, as well as its business continuity plan. As an insurer, they were seamlessly able to handle their clients’ digital and online requests and to bring their staff of over 1500 completely remote in the wake of Covid-19. Argo continued to grow and had a powerful story to tell about recruitment and the digital transformation in insurance.

In early 2020, Ditto recognized that COVID-19 would impact businesses and media significantly. Businesses would need more clarity and confidence in their insurers, while the media would have much less time to cover news unrelated to the virus and the pandemic.
Knowing that, Ditto came up with a strategy for real world relevance through media relations, messaging and content creation and placement.
First, the team worked with Argo to update its messaging, narrative and determine the key business units that would be best served by media and SEO support given the pandemic.
Ditto held key discovery calls with key subject matter experts across construction, property and recruitment to develop messaging and approved pitch topics, and to understand what content was already in the pipeline so that we could utilize both our own and Argo’s content house. At the time, journalists needed two things: timely commentary and usable, relevant content. Knowing the SMEs points of view clearly, we were able to secure timely commentary about recruitment, Argo’s business and the movement to digital in print and podcast interviews.
The team was also able to turn those messages into bylines and place them in top-tier insurance outlets like Digital Insurance.
Lastly, Ditto worked with trade outlets to share Argo’s pre-existing blogs and re-purpose them for media use, giving Argo multiple bylines in key broker outlets month-over-month. Knowing the client’s priority outlets, the team drafted a byline for Digital Insurance as well as a feature podcast interview on their movement to digital.

Employers also want to know you're interested in their company for the right reasons. "We are always interested in why people are looking to join our company. Now, more than ever, candidates should be prepared to discuss this point", says Tony Cicio, chief human resources officer of the Argo Group that shifted their entire workforce of 1500 employees to remote work within 48 hours. They continue to hire, and have onboarded more than 30 new employees during the pandemic.
“I’ve worked with Trey Ditto for about ten years. We worked together on several campaigns when I was at The Harford and I realized he was one of those guys that had a bias for action. He just gets things done, unlike a lot of PR people you come in contact with. He listens to the work requirements and just gets the work done."

In the course of 4 months, Ditto placed 6 bylines and secured thought leadership opportunities on recruitment and hiring in insurance trades as well as outlets such as Forbes. Key Argo SMEs were interviewed by Reuters and spoke on Digital Insurance’s podcasts about the changing insurance landscape and Argo’s growth.
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