Project Overview
In an effort to garner more mainstream attention, Ditto connected Binance.US’s CEO Catherine Coley with a 3-time gold medalist, mother of two, and fitness expert Christie Rampone. Christie’s audience of mothers, aspiring female soccer players, and athletes offered Binance.US’ crypto audience a new set of eyes. Catherine and Christie discussed the importance of financial independence and financial fitness, as Catherine showed Christie how to buy Bitcoin through Binance.US’ app.
increase in Instagram engagement363.33%
increase in Twitter link clicks27%
increase in Website traffic
The campaign drew over 427,764 Twitter impressions (Christie’s, Trey’s and Binance.US’s tweets) with a reach of approximately 1,173,0900 platform users (including Instagram followers) and garnered over 1,286 Likes.
Binance.US’ daily bio click average is around 50-60 clicks per day.
During two days of partnership, Binance.US had 201 and 355 clicks respectively, an average of 278 (or+ 363.33% in link clicks)
Typical engagement rate for Binance.US is 1.6%, during these two days rate was 2.4% - which is a 50% increase in engagement
Average Binance.US engagement in May was 783, these two days were 3,980 an increase of 408.30%
Website traffic had an increase of 27.14%

REACH: 1,173,0900
LIKES: 1,286
Detailed View of Engagement
Christie Rampone
Loved linking up with @cryptocoley 👇🏼
47,688 impressions / 565 engagements
135 Likes / 15 Retweets / 11 Replies
Key Responses:
Catherine Coley (24.1K Followers) - 13 Likes
Crypto Leslie (4.6K Followers) - 7 Likes
I’m ready! I’m in! I had an amazing conversation with @CryptoColey from @BinanceAmerica on financial fitness. I even bought my first piece of #Bitcoin! #EducateDontIntimidate
154,360 impressions / 5,749 Total Engagements
708 Likes / 96 Replies / 89 Retweets
Key Responses:
3Lau (188.3K Followers)
Jason Yanowitz (25.5K Followers)
David Nage🎯 (10.8K Followers)
Code e (22.K Followers)
Hailey Lennon (11.K Followers)
Trey Ditto (2.8K Followers)
Binance.US Tweets
“Now I'm in control and I like to be in control of my destiny." @cryptocoley and @USWNT 3x Olympic Gold Medalist @ChristieRampone talk about not being afraid to own your financial fitness and getting into #Bitcoin #EducateDontIntimidate Soccer ball
Watch Here:
207,000 impressions
3,600 engagements
40K video watches
Key responses:
Anthony Pomp (336K followers) - 2 Retweets / 17 Likes
Catherine Coley Tweets
Adding to 3 OlympicFirst place medal, 2 World Cup Trophy, the longest-serving Captain of @USWNT Soccer ball, my lifelong role model @christierampone actively coaches her daughters on money and wants to learn more about #Bitcoin to stay financially fit. Captain AmericaFlag of United States you inspire us all! #SheBelieves
66 Likes / 13 Retweets
66,994 impressions / 248 engagements
Still buzzing from introducing @christierampone #crypto!
24 Likes / 5 Retweets
55,936 impressions / 121 engagements
Trey Ditto @treyditto
I need help from the bitcoin community! Unlike @jk_rowling, @christierampone (the former captain of the women's national team!) bought her first-ever bitcoin on @BinanceAmerica today. Welcome her to the community! What advice would you give a noob?
9 Likes / 39 Retweets
15,935 impressions / 846 engagements
When a badass female soccer player like @christierampone buys bitcoin with the help of a badass female CEO like @cryptocoley, it makes me bullish on bitcoin and blockchain!
19 likes / 1 Retweet
2,781 impressions / 52 engagements
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